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KCI 등재
『마녀의 씨』의 세 편의 연극에 나타나는 서사 방법과 거듭나는 이야기들
Narrative Methods and Stories Retold in Three Theatres of Hag-Seed
이선희 ( Lee Sun-hee )
DOI 10.21084/jmball.2024.

This paper aims to explore storytelling methods and the meanings of stories in Margaret Atwood’s Hag-Seed. This work consists of three Tempest theatres. Two theatres focus on experiments with the storytelling methods of postdramatic theatre. The third one focuses on the content of narrative through social drama. In the Tempest one, theatrical media such as body, music, and chorus as well as dance and technological devices are emphasized instead of dramatic logos and language. Tempest two is Felix’s regietheater (director’s theater), in which the audience actors play important roles in the success of the performance. The third performance emphasizes the content of narrative by representing Felix’s life as a social drama. Hag-Seed is a work that pursues both storytelling and story through three amazing theatres.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 포스트드라마 연극 <템페스트 1>의 매체성과 퍼포먼스
Ⅲ. <템페스트 2>; 펠릭스의 레지테아터
Ⅳ. <템페스트 3>: 거듭나는 이야기
Ⅴ. 맺는말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]