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고려시기 ‘나주목영역’의 구조와 나주목의 위상
The Structure of ‘Naju-mok District(羅州牧領域)’ and Status of Naju-mok(羅州牧) in Goryeo Dynasty
박종진 ( Park Jong-jin )
한국중세사연구 77권 89-125(37pages)
DOI 10.35863/JKMH.77.3

The basic framework of the local governing system in Goryeo Dynasty was developed in year 1018 A.D. (the 9th year of reign of King Hyeonjong;顯宗9年) after several reorganizations since the foundation of Goryeo Dynasty. The local governing system in year 1018 A.D. can be defined as ‘Juhhyeon-Sokhyeon system(主縣屬縣制度)’ in which one unit consisted of one Juhhyeon(主縣, control county) and several Sokhyeons(屬縣, subordinate county). Naju-mok(羅州牧) during Goryeo Dynasty was not only Juhhyeon of ‘Naju-mok area(羅州牧地域)’, which was consisted of Naju-mok and 22 Sokhyeons, but also a Gyaesu-gwan(界首官) of ‘Naju-mok district(羅州牧領域)’ (now Jeollanam-do;全羅南道) that included 57 Gunhyeon units. During Goryeo dynasty, Naju-mok(羅州牧) was a large local body inhabited by a large population, and they were equipped with a vast area of land, many officials, and facilities as well. Therefore, Naju-mok served as a center stage in the local societies in terms of local ruling, traffic, economic abilities, education and cultural activities.

Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 고려시기 지방제도의 성립과 나주목
Ⅲ. ‘나주목영역’의 구조와 변화
Ⅳ. 나주목의 위상과 기능
Ⅴ. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]