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KCI 등재
중국어과 교육과정 선행연구에서 도출한 논의점 고찰
A Study on the Discussion Points Derived from the Previous Research on the Chinese Language Curriculum
임재민 ( Lim Jaemin )
중국언어연구 109권 285-308(24pages)
DOI 10.38068/KJCL.109.10
UCI I410-ECN-151-24-02-089073981

This study analyzed the discussion points derived from previous research on the Chinese language curriculum and looked for the cause and reason. As a result of this study, the results show differences between researchers. The reason is that the timing of promulgation(notification) and implementation of the General Guideline of the National Curriculum and the Subject based Curriculum are different, the referenced materials have different standards, and there are errors in the information provided by the National Curriculum Information Center. When conducting research on the change of the Chinese language curriculum in the future, it is necessary to carefully consider various variables to select data, and the National Curriculum Information Center must re-examine its materials to ensure it can provide accurate information.

1. 서론
2. 선행연구와 논의점 정리
3. 논의점 비교 분석
4. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]