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KCI 등재
건설업 직종별 노출 가능 유해인자 및 노출강도에 관한 평가
Evaluation on Probability and Intensity of Hazards Exposure by Construction Occupations
박현희 ( Hyunhee Park ) , 김세동 ( Sedong Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-151-24-02-088913486

Objectives: Construction workers are exposed to various hazardous substances simultaneously. However, little is known about the exposure hazards in construction industry. This study was aimed at identifying the risk of exposure hazards among construction workers. Methods: The expert survey (n=29) was conducted, including construction industry health managers (n=11) and work environment monitoring experts (n=18), on exposure probability, intensity and risk of hazardous substances by construction occupations Results: The exposure hazards of 30 construction occupations were identified and summarized through a literature review and expert survey. The most prevalent hazards were in order of noise, awkward posture, heat/cold, crystalline silica, cement/concrete dust, metal fumes, and volatile organic compounds. The hazards with highest risk score(over seven points) at construction occupations were noise(formwork carpenter, concrete finisher, rebar worker, demolition worker, driller/rock blaster), hazardous rays(welder), heat/cold (earthworks, formwork carpenter, rebar worker, concrete placer, scaffolder), awkward posture(bricklayer, caulker/tile setter, rebar worker) and heavy lifting(bricklayer, rebar worker). Among construction workers, the job types with the highest risk of exposure to carcinogens, and in which occupational cancer has been reported, were in order of stonemason, concrete finisher, rock blaster, welder, insulation installer, painter, scaffolder, plant worker and earthworks in order Conclusions: Systematic research and discussion on occupational disease among construction workers and its various hazardous factors are needed to establish job exposure matrix for facilitating standard for promptly processing the workers’ compensation.

Ⅰ. 조사개요
Ⅱ. 대상 및 방법
Ⅲ. 결 과
Ⅳ. 고 찰
Ⅴ. 결 론
감사의 글
Appendix 1. Description of definition and main tasks for 30 occupations
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]