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영어교육 비 전공 초등예비교사의 교사 인지: 영어교사 효능감 및 인지된 영어수업능력을 중심으로
Non-English-major pre-service elementary school teachers’ teacher cognition: With focus on English teacher efficacy and perceived English teaching competence
김현진 ( Hyun Jin Kim )
DOI 10.18095/meeso.2022.23.1.83
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2023-000-001082306

The present study aims to explore how non-English-major pre-service elementary school teachers perceive their efficacy and English teaching competence. 104 pre-service elementary school teachers including 77 non-English majors (21 science majors, 28 Korean majors, and 28 math majors) and 27 English majors participated in the study that included two surveys: English Teacher Efficacy Scale (ETES) and Perceived English Teaching Competence Scale (PETCS). To explore non-English-major pre-service teachers’ English teacher efficacy (ETE) and their perceived English teaching competence (PETC), their responses were compared with English-major pre-service teachers’. The findings were as follows: First, pre-service teachers’ ETE consisted of four factors while PETC consisted of two factors. Second, there was no significant difference in ETE between the non-English-major pre-service teachers and English-major pre-service teachers. Third, non-English majors had a significantly lower PETC than English majors. Fourth, pre-service teachers’ ETE and PETC were affected by interactions among gender, English-speaking ability, and major. The findings suggested that variables such as gender and English-speaking ability should be considered in exploring ETE and PETC. In addition, related variables should be considered in non-English- major pre-service teachers’ professional development programs.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
Ⅳ. 연구 결과
Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]