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KCI 등재
“Unnerving Change” and “Beautiful Transformation” in Eudora Welty’s Short Stories
( Liam Nesson )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2022-800-000854286

This study focuses on the narrative techniques Eudora Welty uses to exhibit a theme common to many of her fictional works: how emotional circumstances bring about changes in people. Welty tends to use “still moments” and “memory imagery” to bring these characters close to the reader through, as she writes, “another kind of structure one which embodie[s] the principle of growth.” We will gain more understanding of the artist's work by closely examining her creative method in "Livvie," "The Wide Net" and "A Still Moment" to see how she elicits characters' emotions. Beyond creating imagery that elicits emotions, Welty uses what she calls memory imagery to illustrate the external environment and signify inner transformation in her characters and in their lives. By magnifying life-altering events through significant still moments in characters' lives, Welty is able to show how conditions in their lives first leave them wanting in awareness. Then, they can only gain this awareness through another person or enlightening experience. Specifically in her short stories, Welty focuses on characters' potential for growth and change in this way. (University of Ulsan)

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]