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KCI 등재
현대 슬라브어 복수대격 유형 비교
On Slavic Accusative Plural Patterns
정정원 ( Jungwon Chung )
언어와 언어학 92권 1-28(28pages)
DOI 10.20865/20219201
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2022-000-000713148

This paper classifies Slavic languages according to their accusative plural patterns. Modern Slavic languages with six or seven-case declension systems share the same singular nominal accusative case pattern based on the grammatical category of gender and the semantic category of animacy. On the other hand, these Slavic languages have different accusative plural patterns which can be classified into four groups with their own binary privative oppositions. The first Slavic accusative plural group consists of Slovene and BCS whose accusative plurals marked with [+Masculine] have their own accusative forms, while unmarked ones are replaced with their nominatives. Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian belong to the second Slavic accusative plural group where only the semantic feature [+Animate] plays a role, assigning the marked genitive-accusative form to animate accusative plural nominals and the unmarked nominative-accusative form to inanimate ones. The third group includes Czech where only the plural nominals with [+Masculine, +Animate] obtain their own accusative plural forms, while the unmarked rest have nominative-accusative forms. Polish and Slovak belong to the fourth group with the strictest criteria according to which only the accusative plurals with [+Masculine, +Animate, +Human] are marked with genitive-accusative and the other unmarked accusative plurals share their nominative forms.

1. 들어가는 말: 현대 슬라브어 곡용체계
2. 현대 슬라브어 단수대격의 특징
3. 현대 슬라브어 4가지 복수대격 유형과 그 유표적 그룹
4. 나오는 말: 현대 슬라브어 복수대격의 문법적 성과 유정성
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]