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PZT계 압전 세라믹 파이버 복합체의 기계적 물성과 압전 풍력 에너지 하베스팅 특성
Mechanical Properties and Wind Energy Harvesting Characteristics of PZT-Based Piezoelectric Ceramic Fiber Composites
이민선 ( Min-seon Lee ) , 박진우 ( Jin-woo Park ) , 정영훈 ( Young-hun Jeong )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2022-500-000358386

Piezoelectric ceramic fiber composite (PCFC) was fabricated using a planar electrode printed piezoelectric ceramic fiber driven in transverse mode for small-scale wind energy harvester applications. The PCFC consisted of an epoxy matrix material and piezoelectric ceramic fibers sandwiched by interdigitated electrode (IDE) patterned polyimide films. The PCFC showed an excellent mechanical performance under a continuous stress. For the fabrication of PCB cantilever harvester, five -PCFCs were vertically attached onto a flexible printed circuit board (PCB) substrate, and then PCFCs were serially connected through a printed Cu circuit. The energy harvesting performance was evaluated applying an inverted structure, which imples its free leading edge located at an open end but the trailing edge at a clamped end, to enhance strain energy in a wind tunnel. The output voltage of the PCB cantilever harvester was increased as the wind speed increased. The maximum output power was 17.2 μW at a resistance load of 200 kΩ and wind speed of 9 m/s. It is considered that the PCB cantilever energy harvester reveals a potential use for wind energy harvester applications.

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]