Drama is a very unusual form of literary genre that is created on stage. Poetry and novels, and other literary genres, can be studied sufficiently by linguistic text analysis. However, drama can be interpreted in a wide and complete form when analyzing not only the language text but also the 'performance text'. K. Elam argued that Theater must have two texts studied: one is play text produced for the performance and the other is the performance text generated from the performance.
Therefore, the study of the stage of drama is an inevitable work that must be performed. Therefore, in this paper, we select one play text and study how 'language text' as a literary genre is transformed into 'stage text' in an art genre. To do this, we selected В.Rozov's play "The People Who Live Forever" in 1956. We will look at what stage was staged in the theater of “Sobremennik” in 1956 under the direction of Yefremov. Also, in this paper, the play “The People Who Live Forever” is another art genre. We will also consider how it was expanded to “video text” in the 1957 film “The Cranes are Flying” directed by Kalatozov. In other words, this paper is a study that comprehensively considers how one play text became a stage and a commercial film.