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KCI 등재
고구려 졸본도읍기 왕성(王城)의 추이와 전승의 정비
The Shift of the Royal Castle[王城] and the Settlement of its folk lore in Jolbon[卒本] Capital-period, Goguryeo Dynasty
강진원 ( Kang Jin-won )
사림(성대사림) 73권 1-30(30pages)
DOI 10.20457/SHA.73.1
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-900-001036236

At first, Goguryeo’s royal family resided near the Village Gaolimuzi, and there was no royal castle at that time. Later, when king made a move to Mountain Wunu, they built a royal castle[Mountain fortress Wunu]. This was caused by the growing tensions between Goguryeo and Chinese forces. After the early days of Later Han dynasty, the King left the Mountain fortress Wunu and moved to his original dwelling place because the two states' relationship got stabilized. Through embellishments, the present folk lore about Jolbon capital-period suggests that the progenitor’s building the royal castle in Jolbon and his successor’s transferring the capital to Gungnae reflect how stable the succession of kingship was. This is because later people came to have a stronger belief in that the state system got on the right track due to the early kings’rules. Its result was the combination of ‘Jolbon-Castle Heulseunggol’ and ‘Gunnae-Castle Winaan.’

Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 중심지의 소재와 王城의 부재
Ⅲ. 대외적 위기와 王城 축조
Ⅳ. 건국 전승 정비와 王城 인식 변화
Ⅴ. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]