This article examines the political meaning of Timur's pilgrimage of mausoleum and influence of sufi saint and mausoleum that make it possible, and also examines the people who exaggerate or distort historical facts in order to use that influence. The Account about Timur's pilgrimage of mausoleum in Zafar-nama is not the unnecessary insertion of Sharaf ali al-Din Yazdi who want to establish Timur's legitimacy of Islamic King, but the intentional political activity of Timur. The three sufi saints' mausoleums who was selected by Timur have been famous, influential local figures. Timur tried to strengthen their power of influence through financial support and reconstruction of mausoleum, and dominate the region effectively by using them.
But because of their political and financial influence in their own area, sometimes people purport themselves to be descendants or disciple of those sufi saints but their claims are suspicious. They have tried to change historical fact of those days and today by using records like hagiography, autobiography and genealogy which are usually completed by personal compilation. So it is necessary to treat carefully when using those records as this article examines.