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전시공간의 다중매체 혼용에 관한 연구
A Study on the Multiplex Media of Exhibit Space
곽순화 ( Kwak Soon-hwa ) , 김준호 ( Kim Joon-ho )
조형논총 vol. 1 5-22(18pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-000-001101446

This thesis presents two separate contexts of constituent cases on exhibition space. The first is the composite use of multimedia and, the second, the ideal constitution of the exhibition scenario which maximizes the final exhibition impression. -The First Context : The process of applying human perception and cognition to the design of exhibition space is a necessity while being a means of maximizing the effects of the exhibition. It is also, in itself, a fun procedure. Only when full space perceptive and cognitive mechanisms are combined can the aimed message of the exhibition be maximized. Formerly unexperienced new expressive factors may also be sometimes created through the combination and composition of existing phenomena. -The Second Context : There is, to a certain degree, a fixed sequence to how people interpret space. The perception of space is not wholly a continuation of involuntary reactions towards eternal stimuli. It, on the other hand, possesses the nature of active intellectual exploration. One fine example of the characteristics of perception and cognition is that : A material objects exists within its relationship with its surrounding environment. Perception and cognition are not only means of seeing a material object surrounded in its environment but are results of aggregate actions and reactions related with complex perceptions; a mental image. Even when all given conditions for media and exhibition software are equal, different results may occur due to the difference in the allocation of the time / space sequence. The appropriate composition of the combination of information; its metaphorical / frank expression, swiftness / slowness, simplicity / complexity, effects the optimum of the aimed impression of the exhibition. Following the contexts mentioned above, interactive mixtures of the media that appeal to human sensitivity must be continuously adjusted by comparing input and output results to reach the optimal solution.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 실무적용사례
Ⅲ. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]