The purpose of this study is to survey nurses' perception of internal marketing within the hospital organization, and nurses' job satisfaction. For this purpose, 217 clinical nurses working for 2 university hospitals in Busan, 1 university hospital and 4 general hospitals in Gyeong Sang Nam Do, were sampled to be in the subjects of a questionnaire survey. The data were collected from May 10 to June 30, 2008 using a structured questionnaire. The collected data were processed using the SPSS Window 14.0 for technical statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficients. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. The internal marketing activities perceived by nurses scored 76.55 out of the maximum score of 140. 2. The job satisfaction perceived by nurses scored 111.99 out of maximum score of 190. 3. In all areas, the internal factors were positively correlated with job satisfaction. The area showing the highest correlation was motivation(r=.619, p=.000), followed by education/training(r=.570,p=.000), communication(r=.566,p=.000), welfare policy(r=.546, p=.000), reward system(r=.475, p=.000), market survey(r=.451, p=.000), working environment(r=.443, p=.000) in that order. 4. As a result of analyzing nurses' perception of internal marketing depending on their demographic variables, some significant differences were found depending on age(F=2.615, p=.002). In case of nurses' job satisfaction, there were also differences depending on age(F=5.176, p=.002), marriage status(t=2.145, p=.0017), religion(t=2.102, p=.018), position(t=2.975, p=.002).