The purpose of this study was to analyze the current status and contents of color-related education programs as lifelong education and to determine the necessity of color education and directions for future development. The findings of this study, first show that the general welfare center, which is striving to develop abilities and promote welfare, was opened mainly for professional education, rather than hobby-oriented education. Accordingly, pricing was set at a lower level than the three institutions and centers, but without a variety of programs or hobby-oriented courses. Second, as the purpose of the set-up is to be established, the general welfare center should be considered an area for hobbies along with expertise, and various courses should be opened. Although the department store’s cultural center focused on programs for cultural and leisure use and promotion, it is necessary to extend the program to attempt to approach it in a short-term process rather than a one-time class. The lifelong education center established as a subsidiary of the university’ was opened as an area for of painting such as oil painting and watercolor and drawing which have much in common school should learn and start basic theory and practice, so there was much difference. Third, if it is changed to a developed form of color-oriented education according to the purpose of each center and institution presented in the results of this research, a good response will be possible to further improve the quality of life and develop professionalism and creativity.