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중국 대학에서의 한국어 번역인재 양성 방안 연구
A Study for the Development of Korean Translation Talent in Chinese Universities
박애양 ( Park Ai-yang )
언어와 문화 vol. 12 iss. 4 103-130(28pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-000-001106683

While some organizations show a tendency of reinforcing education for translation talent in the work force, the reality is even such curriculums emphasize the practical skills related to the cultural linguistics and skills necessary for employment post graduation. It can be said, that there is a necessity to foster translation talent in China who can ensure readability beyond genre in the future. This study, with vested interest in the fostering and vitalization of translation talent for Korean in China, assessed and sought the issues and needs of fostering plans for translation talent in Chinese Universities. Primarily, suggestions for infrastructure including participants in the education (the students an the instructors), education process and objectives, curriculum (text and lesson plan) have been made as well as those of the external structures such as educational resources (joint efforts with the graduate studies, programs for supplementary education, learner participatory programs, and building a network of translators have been suggested. Having numerous talent translating Korean literature in China means there will be an elevation in status of Korean culture in China. There is a need for continued interest in developing plans to foster and raise translating talent in efforts of strengthening and broadening the Korean-Chinese relationship. (Shandong University)

1. 서론
2. 선행 연구 검토
3. 중국 대학에서의 번역교육 현황
4. 번역인재 양성을 위한 교육개선 방안
5. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]