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TV 뉴스를 활용한 한국어 교재의 개발 과정과 활용 방안
The Development Process and Utilization Guidelines of the Korean Textbooks through TV News
채숙희 ( Chae Sookhee ) , 장소원 ( Chang Sowon ) , 김수영 ( Kim Sooyoung )
언어와 문화 vol. 12 iss. 2 203-229(27pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-000-001106552

With the increasing demands for Korean education, many teaching materials have been developed by utilizing a variety of medias. Although the education through TV news plays a very important role to the learners at an advanced level, it seems difficult to publish the textbooks utilized TV news. The reason is that it is an complicated process to get the contents, and the news itself has short vitality. However, the writers of this paper published current Korean textbooks taking advantage of YTN news contents, analyzed the steps up to the publication, and established the principles of education by utilizing TV news. This paper, first, summarized the step-by-step process about publishing the Korean educated textbooks by utilizing TV news, and arranged the problems that may occur in the process. Depending on the subjects, < Current Korean to Learn through YTN News > consists 4 parts and 31 units. It proposed the application plans and what the Korean teachers should pay attentions to when teaching students using this textbook. This will be shown through a teaching and learning application, which is a 50-minute class, based on unit 3 of partⅠ named ‘the Animals Under the Full Moon?’. It will be used as a standard model when teaching foreigners by utilizing TV news. (Incheon National University·Seoul National University)

1. 들어가기
2. 교재 개발 과정
3. 교재 구성
4. 교재 활용 방안
5. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]