This Study is to compare receptive vocabulary and subskills of reading abilities between children from multicultural and non-multicultural families and to analyse correlation among receptive vocabulary and subskills of the reading test of KISE-BAAT in each group. The results show that the receptive vocabulary abilities of children from multicultural families were significantly lower than the children from non-multicultural families. Among subskills of the reading test of KISE-BAAT, multicultural children at their early elementary school performed more poorly in word comprehension and sentence completion whereas children at their high elementary school performed more poorly in sentence completion, word ordering and understanding short stories. In addition, receptive vocabulary and subskills of the reading test of KISE-BAAT showed high correlations in each group. This research findings indicate that the reading comprehension that causes learning problem of multicultural children are directly related to the receptive vocabulary abilities. Therefore, it would be more effective to emphasize vocabulary instruction to improve reading ability of multicultural children. (WonKwang University)