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국립한글박물관 관람 프로그램을 활용한 한국 문화체험수업 방안 -<전시 해설>에 스토리텔링을 적용하여-
A Field-trip Korean Class with Cultural Experience Through the Exhibition Touring Programme of the National Hangeul Museum: Applying storytelling to exhibition touring programme
박재현 ( Park Jaehyun )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-000-001106138

This study aims at proposing an exhibition programme with storytelling in the National Hangeul Museum for foreigners who learn Korean. To this end, other studies are examined first involving storytelling and the programme of touring and experiencing Korean alphabet in the National Hangeul Museum. Based on these, this study offers a content of the exhibiting and experiencing programme applied an educational storytelling method. This would draw a picture in a cultural experiencing class for beginners in Korean learning. Many Korean learners have different backgrounds because of their origin history and culture. So, it is important to select what they are viewed through the guided tour. Also, a theme of the story should be well decided depending on why they learn Korean, what they like, and how well they speak Korean, so on. In this reason, this study focus on the main characteristics in educational storytelling, for example the story introduced in the circumstances of teaching and learning, the learner-centered class, and interactions between story and learners. According to that, the exhibitions will be chosen, and also what story tells about are explained after dividing 3 different themes in which Korean learners can interact. Besides, this study shows how to make a study programme for Korean learners and suggests that in cultural experiencing classes, cultural relativism should be crucially considered for students. (Korea University)

1. 서론
2. 스토리텔링과 교육
3. 국립한글박물관 프로그램
4. 외국인 한국어 학습자 대상 프로그램
5. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]