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여성위생용품 형태 및 사이즈 분석과 사용성 평가
Analysis on the Shape and Size of Sanitary Pads and User Experience Evaluation
김연수 ( Yeon Soo Kim ) , 김수정 ( Sujeung Kim ) , 이수진 ( Sujin Lee ) , 김동은 ( Dong-eun Kim )
DOI 10.5850/JKSCT.2020.44.3.485
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-500-001106037

Sanitary pads are used with for the sanitization of menstruation bleeding. In this research, twenty medium size disposable sanitary pads were selected from domestic and international brands in order to analyze their shape and size. Additionally, 6 sanitary pads were selected among the 20, and user experience evaluations were completed. The analysis on the shape of the 20 sanitary pads showed that straight-shape pads existed more than curved-shape pads. The means of total pad length, wing length, wing width, front pad width, back pad width, front pad length, and back pad length were 24.5 cm, 8.8 cm, 3.0 cm, 10.0 cm, 10.2 cm, 11.6 cm, and 13.0 cm, respectively. All selected pads were medium size; however, detailed sizes varied between brands. Eighty-one women participated on user experience evaluation. Participants felt that brand F was the longest and brand D the shortest. The results matched with the results on actual pad length measurement. Participants evaluated the fit of brand E most positively and fit of brand A most negatively. The current study provides valuable information for developing disposable sanitary pads.

I. 서 론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 연구방법
IV. 결과 및 분석
V. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]