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The Flow of Art as the Flow of Social Energy: A Contribute to the Relationship between Art and Social and Political Areas
( Michael Mayer )
DOI 10.46506/jica.2020.1.1.079
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-600-001104930

The German artist Caspar Walter Rauh (1912-1983) starts his painting in the 1930's while the threat of National Socialism began to grow. Rauh continued painting as a German Soldier in the Second World War to digest the cruelty of the war. Also in the time after the war he stays on that topic. His paintings and drawings show often fantastic landscapes with moving fantastic creatures in it. The function of Rauhs fantastic elements is to visualize the cruelty of the war. But the viewer needs a little time to identify the social and political topic of war in Rauhs paintings. But the influence of his social-political experiences in the war is designed in his works and can be seen as a flow from reality to fictional art. Those flowlines are very complex in Rauhs paintings and drawings. In this way, Art can be seen as “fields of force, place of dissension and shifting interests, occasions for the jostling of orthodox and subversive impulse [.]” like Stephen Greenblatt says it in his book “Shakespeare Negotiations”. To understand art and literatures as "fields of force and discussion" helps the interpretation also to involve the contemporary historical background of the knowledge about art. Therefore it is not possible to see Art and Literature as nice arts without any use for a society - a meaning, which is often discussed in the public. Against this meaning this paper will highlight the hyper thesis that there is a big influence of the social on art and literature like also a big influence of art and literature on the social. This influence shall be named after Greenblatt as “flow of social energy” between those mentioned areas. Greenblatts term will be useful in this case. This method equates all areas of society and a flow of (cultural) takes energy between them. Greenblatt's basic idea is precisely to regard art and literature as a network of different social, cultural and political discourses and thus the overall pictur3e as one of the “poetics of culture” to make it readable. Greenblatt's method allows to analyses the complex structure of relationships between art, literature, society, politics and other social or scientific disziplines. The paper will highlight those points by the example of the German artist Casapar Walter Rauh to show, how lines of social energy cross his works and how the get modified by the flow of his art.

Ⅰ. Background/Objectives and Goals
Ⅱ. Methods
Ⅲ. Expected Results/Conclusion/Contribution
Ⅳ. Conclusion-What is to share
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]