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(2)전문대학 교수의 전문성 패러다임과 교수개발 전략
The Professionalism and Development of Junior College Faculty
신붕섭 ( Boong-seop Shin )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-300-001112157

The junior college can be characterized as 'student - centered teaching institution'. According to this characterization, the professionalism perspectives of faculty is categorized into five dimensions-① institutional frame of reference,② scholastic frame of reference,③ classroom research frame of reference,④ pedagogical frame of reference, and ⑤ practical frame of reference. From this view point, the following must be considered for inventing programs and strategies for faculty development in junior colleges. Firstly, the staff development unit must be structured as a sub-system of individual colleges as most American community colleges do. And the president and chief deans ought to play the role of an instructional leader. Futhermore the mentoring program by experienced faculty will support the induction and retention of beginning/ part-time professors. Secondly, the Ministry of Education and Korean Council for Junior College Education need to create standards for faculty development programs and incoporate various programs into the national level program as Futher Education Institutions do in the U. K. And long-distance training programs using Information Technology for faculty need to be developed. Lastly I will propose that faculty certificate and junior college course need to be institutionalized for ensuring faculty professionalism.

1. 들어가는 말
2. 전문대학 교수의 전문성 패러다임
3. 전문대학 교수 구성의 現狀
4. 전문대학 교수의 전문성 개발 전략
5. 시작하는 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]