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전문계, 인문계 학생들의 학업성취도와 학과 적응도, 만족도에 관한 분석 - 부산 지역 피부미용과를 중심으로
An Analysis on Scholastic Achievement, Major Adaptability and Satisfaction of New Students from Academic High Schools & Vocational High Schools : A Department of Cosmetology Targeted Study
정숙희 ( Sook-hee Jung ) , 최성경 ( Sung-kyung Choi ) , 김승태 ( Seung-tai Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-300-001111296

The purpose of this study is to investigate the levels of their academic achievement, adaptation to their school as well as satisfaction to their department. This study has been done by interviewing 227 junior college students majoring in skincare in Pusan. The results are as follows. 1. Survey was conducted to find differences of levels in performance, fitness to school and satisfaction of their majors between students graduated from general education and vocational high-schools and the results indicated meaningful difference in the level of fitness (t=2.283, p<.05). 2. Survey was conducted to learn if there is any difference in the level of satisfaction and adaptability as per the level of class performance, and found meaningful difference in the level of adaptability (F=6.616.p<.01). In addition, the post evaluation indicated the difference between High, Mid group and Low group. For the level of satisfaction, only in the level of school environment satisfaction showed meaningful difference as per the level of performance from the low group student (F=3.647.p<.05). The post evaluation indicated the difference between High and Mid group. 3. Survey conducted to discover the existence of difference in the level of satisfaction as per the level of fitness to school and overall level of satisfaction displayed meaningful difference by the level of fitness to school (F=18.474.p<.001). As a result from the post evaluation, the difference has occurred between High Level and Mid, Low level and this shows that the group with a high fitness level had a high satisfaction level.

Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론
후 기
참 고 문 헌
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]