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대중가요를 활용한 한국 사회문화교육 방안 연구
A Study on Korean Social Culture Education Using Korean Popular Songs
김민정 ( Kim Minjeong ) , 배재원 ( Bae Jaewon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-000-001109982

This study aims to select contents for Korean social culture education by the period for foreign students, and propose measures for Korean social culture education using Korean popular songs. To this end, we first presented the contents of Korean social culture education in the past 70 years from 1946 in 10-year units. We referred to a study that analyzed the key words in newspaper articles and the Korean history curriculum suggested by the Department of Education to identify social culture education by the period. The following educational contents were identified: “The Korean War and division of the South and North Koreas”(1946- 1955), “Changes of social aspect before and after war”(1956-1964), “Light and darkness of government-led economic development”(1965-1974), “Urbanization and youth culture”(1975-1984), “Advent of new generation and new technology and environmental problems”(1985-1994), “Adolescent issues and the financial crisis” (1995-2002), and “Youth unemployment and class conflict”(2003-current). In addition, Korean popular songs about Korea’s social culture were selected by reviewing previous studies and popular Korean music websites. Next, the contents about “Urbanization and youth culture”(1975-1984) were presented as a class model. Korean culture is the classic channel through which Korean language learners are introduced to Korea, and among various Korean cultural media, Korean popular song attracts the most attention. Thus, Korean popular song may be an effective pedagogic instrument to teach Korean social culture to foreign students.(Ewha Womans University)

1. 머리말
2. 한국 사회문화교육 내용 설계
3. 한국 사회문화교육을 위한 대중가요 선정
4. 대중가요를 활용한 한국 사회문화교육의 실제
5. 맺는말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]