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KCI 등재
한국어와 중국어 의문문의 대조 연구 - 의문기능을 가진 종결어미화된 연결어미를 중심으로 -
A Contrastive Study of Wh-questions in Korean and Chinese Languages - Focused on Connective Endings Functioning as Final Endings of Question
황정혜 ( Huang Zhenhui )
언어와 문화 15권 1호 445-476(32pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-000-001109962

This article analyzes a group of connective suffixes ‘-게, -는데, -다고/다구, -(으)려고/려구, -고/구’ which also functions as interrogative final endings when it comes to the end of a sentence. Such interrogative final endings in performing its interrogative function need interrogative words such as ‘누구, 무엇, 어디, 언제’ and a rising intonation. On the contrary, interrogative sentences of liberally translated Chinese, in performing its interrogative function, need interrogative words ‘谁,哪儿,多,什么,几’and modal auxiliaries ‘吗,吧’. For connective suffixes functioning as interrogative final endings that are not included in this article will be left as follow-up study. This article aims to indicate a certain grammatical rule, in the process of performing interrogative function, of connective suffixes that used as interrogative final endings and interrogative sentence in liberally translated Chinese. It also expects to be helpful for Chinese learners who study Korean, and Korean learners who study Chinese. (East China University of Technology)

1. 서론
2. 한국어와 중국어 의문문의 대조
3. 한국어와 중국어 의문문의 대조 분석 및 결과
4. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]