The purpose of this study is to explore how the meanings and functions of a certain grammatical item can be suggested in the Korean language education field. To do this, this study selected ‘-janha(yo)’ and reviewed the previous literatures on the meanings and functions of ‘-janha(yo)’. With conducting corpus analysis of functions of ‘-janha(yo)’, this study discussed the relations between meanings and functions based on the prototype theory and the frequency of functions of ‘-janha(yo)’ showed in a spoken language corpus. Consequently, this study found that some peripheral meanings of ‘-janha(yo)’ were derived from the prototype meaning of it, and so were the functions. In addition, it is founded that the closer to prototype, the more frequency. Based on the result, this study suggested the order of meanings and functions of ‘-janha(yo)’ like following: 1) telling the contents of sentence coincident with the listener’s knowledge(confirming), 2) telling the contents of sentence coincident with the listener’s way of thinking(asking for agreement), 3) telling the contents of sentence that the speaker thinks the listener must know(informing, hypothesizing, scolding). (Yonsei University)