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특허기반 LOF를 활용한 기술혁신의 Weak Signal 탐색: 자율주행차를 중심으로
Analyzing Weak Signals for Technology Innovation Based on Patent-Based Local Outlier Factor(LOF): A case of Autonomous Vehicle
하소희 ( So-hee Ha ) , 금영정 ( Young-jung Geum )
DOI 10.35373/KMES.25.2.2
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-300-001122231

Purpose Identifying and analyzing potential innovative technologies becomes an imperative task. Especially, finding technology which is currently not dominant but has chance to be innovative in the future, which is called weak signal, is critically important. In response, this study suggests a framework and method to identify weak signal, considering both technological and market aspects. Methods Firstly, this study defines the characteristic of weak signals. Next, technology and market database is prepared to check technological novelty and market capability. Third, Local Outlier Factor(LOF) is used to identify technology novelty for technological document. When weak signals are identified, market capabilities are checked based on the market documents. Results Technologies related with autonomous driving technology, autonomous shared car service, and autonomous delivery service using GPS and various sensors are identified as weak signals for promising technologies. Medical technologies are also identified as important signals for future trends of self-driving cars. Conclusion This study is expected to provide significant implications to the innovation practice in term of providing the framework and method for identifying promising technologies.

1. 서 론
2. 기존 연구
3. 연구 프레임워크
4. 사례 연구
5. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]