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토양검정에 의한 유기자원 시비처방이 양배추의 생육 및 양분이용효율에 미치는 영향
Influence of Fertilization Treatment using Organic Amendment based on Soil Testing on Plant Growth and Nutrient use Efficiency in Cabbage
임진수 ( Jin-soo Lim ) , 이방현 ( Bang-hyun Lee ) , 강승희 ( Seung-hee Kang ) , 이태근 ( Tae-guen Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-500-001121563

BACKGROUND: In this study, in order to verify the effects of supplemented organic amendment fertilizers recommended by the soil testing on cabbages, we used various amounts of organic amendment fertilizers. The amount of organic amendment fertilizers was decided by calculating each ratio of inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium based on the recommended fertilizer composition. METHODS AND RESULTS: The cabbages subjected to treatments 1 and 2 showed similar or greater leaf colors (SPAD values), head heights, head widths, head weight, soil organic matter content, nitrate-nitrogen level, and conductivity after harvest, when compared with cabbages treated with chemical fertilizers. The phosphorus and potassium fixation in the soil were higher in the plot where cabbages were treated with chemical fertilizers, and the nutrient use efficiency was greater in the plots with organic amendments and mineral addition. CONCLUSION: The treatments 1 and 2 that were supplemented with 180-200% of nitrogen, 100-130% of phosphorus, and 185-250% of potassium in comparison to chemical fertilizers, applied by the inorganic ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium can be used as organic amendment fertilizers for cabbages.

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]