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A study on the role of cooperatives and ways to strengthen their competitiveness
( Sugin Chang )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-300-001120348

Cooperatives are self-help organizations in which economically disadvantaged people in common conduct business activities to meet their needs. The agricultural cooperatives a cooperative organization, not a general enterprise, and is based on self-help, self-management, and self-responsibility for farmers who are economically weak. Korea's Agricultural cooperatives were established under the guidance of the government and the agricultural cooperatives' central meeting by these needs and needs. Agricultural cooperatives generally serve to contribute to the interests of members by minimizing transaction costs in relation to the market and making the market competitively efficient. In this study, we will look into the research on the role of cooperatives and ways to strengthen their competitiveness. The following implications can be considered in this study. First, in order to strengthen the competitiveness and efficiency of the business, the agricultural cooperatives should actively introduce new management techniques by removing the inefficiencies of organizations and businesses and increasing their expertise. Second, the agricultural cooperatives should seek sustainable management strategies for the purchasing and distribution process of agricultural products. Third, the cooperative's purchasing business needs to find ways to link each cooperative. Fourth, it is necessary to improve the quality of employees through continuous development and evaluation of members.

Ⅰ. Introduction
II. Theoretical Research Background
Ⅲ. Cooperative problems and countermeasures
Ⅳ. Conclusion
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]