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KCI 등재
콜센터 종업원의 직무만족 요인과 개인특성 요인이 이직의도에 미치는 영향: LMX의 매개효과 중심으로
A Study of the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Individual Characteristics on Turnover Intention: Focusing on Mediating Effect of LMX
김민우 ( Min-woo Kim ) , 이소영 ( So-young Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-300-001119292

Purpose: This study, we wanted to examine the relationship between the job satisfaction factors and the role of LMX in relation to how individual characteristics are related to the transfer of call center counselors. These founds can improve the degree of turnover intention through a change in the stable maintenance and management environment of the call center by identifying the phenomena of turnover of counselors at the center of the cost of recruitment and education, job satisfaction, and individual characteristics. To that end, 312 call center workers in Seoul and the Seoul metropolitan area were analyzed through structured questionnaires. Research design, data, and methodology: This study, we analyzed 312 call center workers in Seoul and the Seoul metropolitan area were analyzed through structured questionnaires. Results: Main results are presented as follows. First, task fulfillment has been shown to have a positive effect on LMX. This means that the higher the interdependence of the call center staff on welfare system, fair job assessment, job-itself and task interdependence, the higher the relationship between superiors and subordinates. Second, LMX was shown to have a negative effect on turnover. In other words, the boss-load relationship has been shown to lower the degree of turnover. Third, job satisfaction was found to have a direct negative impact on the degree of turnover intention, and a negative influence on the degree of turnover by mediating LMX. Fourth, individual characteristics consisting of a desire for growth and self-efficacy had a negative effect on LMX, and a positive influence on the degree of turnover intention. Conclusions: Job satisfaction and personal characteristics not only have a positive impact on the organization's efficiency and organization's validity, but also have a relatively low absenteeism or turnover rate when job satisfaction is high, which is an important factor in forming a low turnover rate.

1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경과 가설
3. 연구설계
4. 분석 결과
5. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]