Art is something that expresses the feelings and the concepts through artistic work by the artists. Performance as one of the genres of the art, this is something that puts importance in delivering the message of the art through the movement of the performer. Make-ups, props, music, lights, and etc are important factors in performance because these are the things that helps the performer to deliver the message of the art more clearly. Even thus make-ups, props, and etc are important in performance, they are not the main factors in the art.
But Oskar Schlemmer considered make-ups, props, music, and etc as part of the main factors in the art rather than just a minor things. And he used those things to express the most important factors in the performance which are form and objet of the performer. Schlemmer believed that new and great theme of the artists of all ages still remains and this is people itself. And with this in his mind he focused on expressing the performers as a material that show movement like dolls using mechanical effects. Schlemmer’s concept is shown in the style of the performance that he introduced which is to show the fear of mechanic and materialistic using humor. Alwin Nikolais who was affected by Schlemmer have made dozens of artistic work using the same style as Schlemmer which are hiding of performer’s body and other unique costumes.
Many people have criticized Schlemmer and Nikolais because people believed that using the performers as a moving material is merely focusing on the optical effects of the performance and this will devaluate the human dignity. But Schlemmer and Nikolais have done a great role in introducing the various ways to express the art and this improved the art performance to another level. And they also have widen the field of performance by trying the new concept which focuses on expressional and optical effects of the art. The purpose of this study is to explain about the expression of non-humanization in the Oskar Schlemmer and Alwin Nilolais’s performances.