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조선후기정재(朝鮮後期呈才)춤동작 분포현황(分布現況) -『정재무도홀기(呈才舞圖笏記)』를 중심으로 -
A Study on the Distribution of Jeongjae Dance Movements in the Late Yi Dynasty Era - Basis on the Old Book『Jeongjaemudoholki』-
손선숙 ( Sun Sook Son )
무용예술학연구 vol. 18 99-123(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-600-001127048

An inquiry was conducted into the distribution of jeongjae呈才dance movements by holgi笏記, mudong舞童, yeoryoeng女伶jeongjae, jeongjae and dance movement, on the basis of jeongjaemudoholgi呈才舞圖笏記from which the entity of court jeongjae in the late Yi Dynasty era is able to be identified. The results were revealed, as follows: Holgi includes in itself 44 kinds of jeongjaes and many different dance movements are evenly distributed in jeongjaes performed with sajahangjang獅子項莊 holgi, gapo甲午oijinyeon外進宴holgi, sinchuk辛丑oijinyeon holgi, sinchuk jinyeon 進宴holgi, sinchuk jinyeonheejak進宴會酌holgi, sinchuk jinchan進饌holgi, sinchuk jinchan ikilheejak翌日會酌holgi, mudong holgi, yeoryeong holgi, and so on. An analysis by holgi shows that there are two kinds of jeongjaes; one is jeongjaes with no change in dance movements, and the other is jeongjaes with differences of dance movements. Furthermore, dance movement changes are demarcated into partial changes, partial omissions, and total changes of dance movements. A comparison by yeoryeong and mudong jeongjae indicates different cases: the same contents between mudong and mudong and yeoryeong and yeoryeong jeongjae; and different contents between mudong and mudong jeongjae, yeoryeong and yeoryeong jeongjae, and yeoryeong and mudong jeongjae. Differences of the contents point out partial changes in dance movements, partial omissions of dance movements, and total changes of dance movements, where no clear-cut distinction is made between mudong and yeoryeong but some differences are found in the use of yisu gojeo and palsu yimu. A scrutinization by jeongjae and movement reveals that practical dance movements used in jeongjaes that utilize specific jeongjae terms depend upon the same movements but figurative terms emphasizing the entire expression are used at the same time and dance instruments are added to dance movements. As aforementioned, dance movements in jeongjae in the late Yi Dynasty era through an analysis of jeongjaemudoholgies elucidate that different dance movements used in most of different jeongjaes coexist depending upon the kinds of banquets for which they are performed, irrespective of their yeoryeong and mudong jeongjaes.

Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 笏記別呈才춤동작 分布現況
Ⅲ. 女伶·舞童呈才別呈才춤동작 分布現況
Ⅳ. 呈才別呈才춤동작 分布現況
Ⅴ. 춤동작별 呈才分布現況
Ⅵ. 結論
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]