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소통의 관점에서 본 접촉즉흥에 관한 연구
A Study on Contact Improvisation in Light of Communication
안신희 ( Shin Hee Ahn )
무용예술학연구 vol. 30 87-113(27pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-600-001133982

Study of Contact Improvisation which solves problems of communication with direct reaction between the body and another body has a very significant meaning in twenty first century where communication is considered as a big issue. Therefore, a purpose of this study is to abstract the common conditions which communicate to a concept of communication and, based on that, to identify communicating components expressed in Contact Improvisation. Process of this study is as follows. In chapter two, communication which contains a relationship is reviewed, and conditions of communication which can have a particular relationship are analyzed. In chapter three, ‘Smart body which reacts’ which is an important concept in Contact improvisation is looked at. In chapter four, based on the previous conditions of communication, components of communication expressed in Contact Improvisation are identified. As a result, it has been found out that communication does not simply mean understanding one another but provides opportunities to create more values of ourselves. A human joys of being alive when he becomes aware of hisexistence though meeting others rather than though his existence itself. True communication warms relationships between people and lead to change. Contact Improvisation is a dance which continues to develop and speaks for true communication with movement. Components of communication that Contact Improvisation has are as follows. Firstly, Contact Improvisation is only achieved by dancing with someone. If communication is achieved through a relationship, Contact Improvisation starts the relationship by a contact. A contact in Contact Improvisation contains cooperation and recognition of a partner as well as ‘transcendence’ to develop myself to make the best harmony with the partner. Secondly, as a relationship can flow smoothly only when my reaction towards the partner’s reaction(demand) is appropriate Contact Improvisation is highly interested in reaction. This reacting is, as a part of communication, not a passive reaction but to make the most out of being with a partner. Wise people in the world says to identify differences from others and to maximize self’s capabilities(conditions) in order to decrease the differences. ‘Best reaction’ in contact is an opportunity for a self to grow up, and having an opportunity to enhance self’s life to its greatest potentials. Thirdly, a main subject of reacting is the body. Contact dancers define a body as ‘Smartly reacting body’ and accept that it can achieve every potentials. Also, they try to get ‘Objective attitude’ as a smart body, outstanding reflexes and intuition. This is a condition to obtain true communication and a method that approaches to deeper unconscious level than which masters of contact suggested of. Fourthly, Contact Improvisation stresses a body which is open to make a good contact, “seeing though the body” and “listening though the skin”. Contact dancers extend their bodies with nature to create the best movement. They also try to listen intently to the voice of the body coming from their partners with all their senses in order to become one. An extreme harmony from ‘the third power’ leads me and you who are transcendent to dance. Sharing a dance together helps creating strong team spirit and friendship. A purpose of communicating is to get better. I believe communicating is a certain space of life which gives a precious gift that I can get better when we strive ourselves to get better. It is hoped that this study is used as a basic resource for other studies on communicating or Contact Improvisation.

Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 소통의 효과와 조건
Ⅲ. 반응하는 지적인 신체
Ⅳ. 접촉즉흥의 소통적 요소
Ⅴ. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]