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KCI 후보
초등학생의 표현활동에 대한 인식 및 개선방안 연구
A Study on Elementary Students’ Perception of and Improvement in Expression Activities
송미숙 ( Song Mi-sook )
무용예술학연구 28권 85-109(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-600-001133851

The present study was conducted in order to survey the perception of expression activities from the viewpoint of students, the main actors of education, and required improvements in the physical education curriculum. In order to attain the objectives of this study, we surveyed 258 elementary students using a questionnaire, and obtained frequencies and percentages according to gender, preference for the subject, and after school physical activities. T test was performed to test difference in desire to participate in expression activities according to the variables, and c2 test was performed to see whether there are significant differences in students’ interest in and perception of expression activities and the contents of improvement among the groups divided according to the variables. In the results of analyzing desire to participate in expression activities, female students showed a high desire to participate in after school physical activities when they liked physical education. In the results of study on students’ interest in and perception of expression activities, the students’ interest was low in general. Those who showed high preference replied that the class was exciting and interesting, and those who showed low preference replied that the contents of the class were not interesting. The degree of participation and absorption in class was above average, and the students replied that the expression activity class is necessary. However, it was difficult for the students to take interest because the contents of class were not interesting, and satisfaction with the place of class was significantly lower among male students. The students did not perceive expression activities as one of areas of physical education, and they thought that the sense of rhythm and sociability are developed by the class. As to why a subject teacher for expression activities is necessary, they replied that a subject teacher is more competent than the class teacher, and as to why a subject teacher is not necessary, they replied that the physical education class alone is sufficient. In addition, the students wanted most the preparation of school facilities, and replied that expression activities using multimedia equipment would be helpful to theory and appreciation classes. Necessity for expression activity education apart from the school physical education class was low, but preference for popular dances appeared high. They also replied that what they wanted with regard to the expression activity (dance) class were a free space for the activities and a teacher who is able to give a joyful class.

Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 연구내용 및 방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 논의
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]