The purpose of this study is to explore what conditions good curricula programs should meet, what good adaptation programs should be like, and what kinds of personnel, physical, psychological, administrative, and financial supports should be provided in multicultural educational settings. The following research contents are selected in order to meet these research objectives. First, this research explores the theoretical grounds for multicultural education; second, it examines the present conditions of, and also the needs for, for the education in multicultural environment; third, it analyses foreign cases of supports for multicultural education; and last, it envisioned programs for multicultural dance education in Korea.
Based on these results, a series of policy suggestions are also provided in the following areas; the objectives of multicultural education, the development of curriculum-based and school-adaptation programs, and the personnel, physical, psychological, administrative, and financial supports for the effective implementation of these programs. An eclectic viewpoint which combines cultural assimilation and cultural pluralism is suggested as a basic orientation in multicultural education. This means that the multicultural education should aim to help students from multicultural families adapt to Korean culture, to teach all the students to understand and to show respect toward cultural diversities. Program development and support policies are suggested in accordance with this orientation. An outside support system which will propel the enactment of suggested policies is also envisioned including the role assignments with it.