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초등학교에서의 창작무용 특기·적성 교육 프로그램의 개발 - 현대무용의 관점에서 -
The Development of Creative Dance Program for Specialty and Aptitude Education on Elementary School Students - from the Viewpoint of Modern Dance -
남진희 ( Nam Jin Hee )
무용예술학연구 25권 53-79(27pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-600-001133593

The purpose of this study is to develop creative dance program which is phased, gradable, self-leading for specialty and aptitude education, and which consists of four steps for the elementary school students. The specialty and aptitude education is the program for mental and physical development of students in mutual relation with the curriculum. This study suggests the creative dance program as the specialty and aptitude education for the goal of mental and physical nurture, and development of personality and nature. The creative dance program is composed of for sections and twenty-one chapters. The four sections are understanding of creative dance, basic training, creative dance repertory training, and performance and appreciation. The characteristics of creative dance program is for students to be able to have phased, gradable and self-leading lesson step by step. The program has four steps. The first step is understanding of music, the second is basic training, the third is repertory training, and the last is performance and appreciation. These four steps are selectable according to the age and ability of students, and the situation of class. These results suggest that participating in the creative dance can contribute to the cognitive and physical development of children, and its effect is maximized when the creative dance program induces an active and voluntary physical expressions of children.

Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 현대무용 프로그램의 구성
Ⅲ. 교수 학습 계획 및 지도안
Ⅳ. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]