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건설공사 발주자의 계획, 설계, 공사단계 안전보건관리 역할 분석
Analysis on Construction Clients’ Role for Safety and Health Management in Plan, Design, and Construction Stage
임세종 ( Se Jong Lim ) , 정성춘 ( Seong-choon Jeong ) , 나예지 ( Ye Ji Na ) , 원정훈 ( Jeong-hun Won )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-500-001142824
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The duty of construction clients in WSH (Workplace Safety and Health) system was included in the amendment of Occupational Safety and Health Act (enforced on 16 January 2020), which was estimated the shift of paradigm in the prevention of construction accidents. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the analysis results of construction clients’ role in the construction project, which were performed by authors over the recent years in order to impose the duty on construction clients, and to suggest their role according the plan, design, and construction stage. Utilizing the systematic literature review process based on Meta analysis, the related papers were selected. For the selected papers, related domestic and foreign regulations, and other prominent report, the construction clients’ role was analyzed by reflecting the experts’ advice. Results show that the construction clients should control the designer and contractor for implementing the WHS system during the whole process of the construction project. They should supply sufficient source and time to ensure the workers’ safety. In the plan stage, the key role of construction clients is to identify intensively controlled hazard and risk reduction plan and to transfer the results. In the design stage, their key role is to select the designer with the capacity in WSH and to assist the designer for the safety design. The main key role of construction clients in the costruction stage is to select the contractor with specialty in WSH including a contract reflecting the WSH requirement and to check implementation of WSH plan, WSH cost, WSH education, and accident report. In addition, it is thought that the construction clients’ participations in the site WSH activity and adjustment of safety and health problem among contractors can be effect in the prevention of construction accidents.

1. 서 론
2. 연구방법
3. 발주자 안전보건관리 역할 분석 및 제안
4. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]