This study examined the effects of parental autonomy support on intrinsic motivation and physical activity intention. Direct visitation was made to each university located in Seoul and the Gyeonggi-do regions and 374 copies of data were collected through convenient sampling methods. After investigating the collected data as CFA, EFA, internal consistency, correlation analysis and SEM through SPSS17.0 and AMOS 16.0 programs, identical hypotheses were verified. The result of the study was verified through practical analysis is as follows. First, the evaluation of the model’s fit index indicated that the structural relationships between all measurement variables were valid. Second, parental autonomy support appeared to have an influence on the enjoyment, competence, and tension of the intrinsic motivation. Third, physical activity intention appeared to have an influence on the enjoyment, competence, and tension of the intrinsic motivation. Fourth, parental autonomy support appeared to have an influence on the physical activity intention.