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KCI 등재
The Visual Expression and Cultural Value of the Graphic Symbols of the Pillar Foundation of Hui Architecture
何磊 ( He Lei )
인문사회 21 11권 3호 1411-1422(12pages)
DOI 10.22143/HSS21.11.3.101
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-000-001158687

在⾼速发展的今天, ⼈们对于传统⽂化的认识与理解表现出⽇渐荒芜的趋向. 传统⽂化正⾯临着“后继⽆⼈” 的窘境,越来越多的⼈对传统⽂化失去了理性的尊重和价值判断. 分析徽派柱础所蕴含的⽂化内涵, 为进⼀步研究徽⽂化提供⼀个新的视⾓. 研究徽派柱础的发展历史与图形样式, 探究其精神实质, 并运⽤现代设计⼿法重新呈现其视觉语⾔. 徽派柱础图形是由原始的符镇性逐渐演变成象征性, 所雕刻图形是⼀份极其宝贵的⽂化遗产. 它有利于我们了解明清时期徽州的社会现状和探视中国传统艺术的精神风貌. 徽派柱础图形反映的是栖居者的⽣活态度和审美情趣, 表现的是对理想⽣活的追求与向往. 关注和保护是对历史⽂化的尊重, 也是提⾼全民⽂化传承意识的重要组成部分.

In the rapid development of today, people’s understanding of traditional culture shows a growing trend of desolation. Traditional culture is facing the dilemma of “no successor.” More and more people lose rational respect and value judgment for traditional culture. The analysis of the cultural connotation of the pillar foundation of Hui school provides a new perspective for the further study of Hui culture. This paper studies the development history and graphic style of the pillar foundation of Hui school, explores its spiritual essence, and re presents its visual language with modern design techniques. The pattern of the pillar base of the Hui school has gradually evolved from the primitive town character to the symbol character, and the carved pattern is an extremely precious cultural heritage. It is helpful for us to understand the social situation of Huizhou in Ming and Qing Dynasties and to visit the spirit of traditional Chinese art. The pillar base figure of Hui school reflects the living attitude and aesthetic interest of the residents, and expresses the pursuit and yearning for the ideal life. Attention and protection are not only the respect for history and culture, but also an important part of improving the national cultural heritage awarene.

I. 序論
II. 徽派建筑柱础的形成与演变
Ⅲ. 徽派建筑柱础的造型特征与表现形式
IV. 徽派建筑柱础的⽂化价值与应⽤
V. 結論
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]