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전간기 소련 군사전략의 특성: 유럽 주요국의 ‘소규모 전문직업군대’ 논의를 중심으로
The “Small and Professional Army” and the Features of the Soviet Military Strategy in the Interwar Period.
이정하 ( Jeong-ha Lee )
서양사연구 62권 47-82(36pages)
DOI 10.16894/JOWH.62.2
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-900-001180071

This article analyses the characteristics of the Soviet military strategy in the interwar period, focusing on the discussion of ‘small and professional army’. The discussion in UK, Germany, and France show the fundamentally different approaches from the Soviet Union in terms of the perception of the next war and the lessons of the last war, the Great War. Also, this article tries to figure out sociopolitical and military-technical factors influencing on each response to the post-war conditions. Particular attention is paid to criticism of the concept of small and professional army by the Soviet military thinkers in the interwar period. Along with the review of the concept, this article attempts to make an analysis of three features of the interwar Soviet military strategy, that is, ideological aspect; total war as a next war; combined arms warfare. (Chonnam National University / budennyi@gmail.com)

I. 글을 시작하며
II. 유럽 주요국의 ‘소규모 전문직업군대’ 개념
III. ‘소규모 전문직업군대’ 개념에 대한 비판과 전간기 소련 군사전략의 몇 가지 특징
IV. 글을 나가며
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]