Silkworm powder was prepared from 3rd day of 5th instar silkworm through various drying technology including freeze drying, hot wind drying, infrared drying, and microwave drying. The shape of silkworm dried was different with the drying methods. Freeze drying and microwave drying silkworm looked its original form, but hot wind drying and infrared drying silkworm looked shriveled and crumpled. The color of silkworm powder freeze-dried changed from yellowish green to hazel with lowering freezing temperature. Heavy metals including Pb, Cd, As, and Hg were lower the food criteria. The results of 1-deoxynojirimycin analysis was shown that BaekOkJam and GoldenSilk silkworm powder was satisfied the criteria of functional food, but YeonNokJam silkworm powder was lower than the criteria. The amino acid composition of silkworm was similar regardless of the frozen temperature in freeze drying process. © 2020 The Korean Society of Sericultural Sciences Int. J. Indust. Entomol. 40(1), 22-27 (2020)