This is an article written to analyze Park Wan-seo’s experience of modernism and topophilia which appears in her autobiographical novel ‘Who Ate the Sorrels Having Been There So Many?’ according to the psychological analytic criticism Object Relations Theory; Sigmund Freud,Jaques Lacan, Frantz Fanon. The main concept of this article’s analysis is firstly the suppressive character of the experience of modernism and the project for making the shape of a modernized woman, secondly the desire to revert to narcissism, thirdly ambivalence and fourthly the problem of the center and its .surroundings.
By this articled analysis, it can be understood that modernization to the novelist appears not to be her voluntary desire to accomplish for herself through lots of suppression, deficiency, ambivalence, etc. in process of modernization. Modernization to the novelist means not a modernized woman coerced by her mother but a way to establish true self-identity escaping from the other-personalized desire.
And it can he also understood that autobiographical writing is an emergence of past hurt and suppressed memory of the novelist herself, and a course of healing through the act of writing.