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인터미디어 특성이 나타난 현대 패션쇼 연출 특성
Characteristics of contemporary fashion shows affected by intermedia
이슬아 ( Seulah Lee ) , 이윤미 ( Yoon Mee Lee ) , 이연희 ( Younhee Lee )
복식문화연구 27권 6호 582-598(17pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-500-000485159

Intermedia is a term that refers to the convergence of different media. It has not only enabled the delivery of brand message but also developed interactive communication in a contemporary fashion show context. This study investigates the presentation methods of contemporary fashion shows affected by intermedia. We examined the research and theory related to intermedia and fashion shows by accessing articles since the 2000s concerning 252 shows by 30 designers that tended to demonstrate the use of intermedia. Our analysis highlighted four particular characteristics: “medium scalability” (the unity of art and fashion and the unity of life and fashion); “synesthetic flow” (the audience’s emotional immersion, represented by the actual performance and performances of the models); “participatory accessibility” (performance participation through action and instrumental support); and “immaterial symbolization” (an intuitive symbol that emphasizes both the direct outward appearance and the metaphorical symbolism so that the object is expressed in a figurative sense). From these results, we identified considerable synergy between the characteristics of intermedia and con­temporary fashion shows. Therefore, it might be useful to conduct an experimental study on this area of research.

I. Introduction
Ⅱ. Background
Ⅲ. Methods
Ⅳ. Results and Discussions
Ⅴ. Conclusions
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]