The objective of this study is to propose a means of revising the standard curricula of King Sejong Institute, a leading establishment that promotes Korean language and culture. Its current programs vary by region, depending on the educational environment of respective countries. There is also a need to develop the standard educational programs that incorporates newly developed textbooks, “Sejong Korean language conversation” and “Sejong Korean culture”, into the presently used “Sejong Korean”. To this end, we conducted an online survey for 283 people, including the institute’s faculty, administrators, and program managers, to examine how the institute’s standard program is being managed and how the newly developed textbooks are being used. On the basis of early studies and the survey result, we developed a proposal on revising the standard curricula of King Sejong Institute and managing the revised curricula. For flexible curricula management, we propose three levels of program hours: 45 52 hours for Ga(A) type, 53 75 hours for Na(B) type, and 76 104 hours for Da(C) type. Furthermore, we propose an operational model for the institute’s curricula that covers all the three above mentioned textbooks. (Kyunghee University, Korea University, University of Malaya, Korea University)