Somatic Psychology is an interdisciplinary field that takes a somatic approach to studying human mind, and includes such field as body psychotherapy. Body psychotherapy takes an integrative, holistic approach to psychotherapy which applies somatic manipulation, self-awareness of movement, balance of energy flow, and emotional coping. Today, the term “somatic” has become indispensible in the academic discussion of psychologists and neuroscientists in American and Europe. Following this trend, Korea has received a paradigmatic training program of somatic psychology, Somatic Experiencing® (SE), since 2016. As Somatic Experiencing® certifies SE practitioner (SEP) through a rigorous 3-year training program, the first group of SEP is going to finish the training in this August. As one of the first certified Korean SEP, I believe that the SE has a promising future as a new field of expertise in the field of dance and movement.