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사회적 가치 창출을 위한 관광산업 정책방향 연구: 제4차 국제회의산업 육성 기본계획을 중심으로
Study of Policy Directions in the Tourism Industry for the Social Value Creation: Focused on the Fourth Master Plan for the Promotion of the Convention Industry
조현철 ( Jo Hyeon-cheol )
MICE관광연구 19권 1호 197-216(20pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2019-300-001389744

This study aims to explore policy directions for the social value creation, focusing on the ‘Master Plan for the Promotion of the Convention Industry’ concerning ‘social value’ which has recently drawn global attention and especially has been presented as one of the Korean government’s major projects. For this purpose, this study examined the concept of social value, the areas where social value could be created and examples of policy application. In addition, this study investigated the main status of the tourism industry and tourism policy and analyzed the parts to which social value was reflected in the ‘Master Plan for the Promotion of the Convention Industry’ recently presented by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Based on this, this study presented five policy directions that could effectively promote activities for the social value creation in the tourism industry, like the enactment of the law on the convention public procurement.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 사회적 가치 창출 영역 및 정책 적용
Ⅳ. 제4차 국제회의산업 육성 기본계획
Ⅴ. 정책방향 제언
Ⅵ. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]