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동래 단층 중부 지역 웅촌-웅상 일대의 단층 지형과 지형 발달
Fault-related Landforms and Geomorphological Processes Around Ungchon-Ungsang Areas in the Middle Part of the Dongrae Fault
이광률 ( Lee Gwang-ryul ) , 박충선 ( Park Chung-sun ) , 신재열 ( Shin Jae Ryul )
DOI 10.16968/JKGA.26.1.79
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2019-400-001375216

This study analyzed the distribution of fluvial landforms, fault-related geomorphic features and lineaments around the area of Ungchon-Ungsang in the Dongrae Fault, and discusses the charateristics of geomorphic development based on those. As a result, the NE-SW lineaments are predominantly developed in many numbers within the study area, and the NW-SE or N-S secondary lineaments are developed induced by multiple deformation with the Yangsan Fault. Geomorphologically, the early tectonic history of the Ungchon-Ungsang basin is largely divided into three stages ; 1) the Tertiary fault activity and formation of fracture zone, 2) development of erosional basin, 3) local crustal movements and development of fault-related topography. It is assumed that alluvial fans, deflected channel and stream piracy were formed by local tectonic movements related to faultings during the Quaternary.

I. 서 론
II. 웅촌-웅상 분지의 단층 지형과 선형 구조 분포
III. 웅촌-웅상 분지의 단층 작용과 지형 형성
IV. 요약 및 결론
사 사
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]