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『선화량인(鮮和兩引)모던 조선외래어사전(朝鮮外來語辭典)』における일본외래어(日本外來語)の 『동사화(動詞化)した어(語)』について
“Japanese Verbalized Loanwords” in 鮮和兩引모던朝鮮外來語辭典 (The New Dictionary of Foreign Words in Modern Korean: searchable by Korean and Japanese)
권경애 ( Kwon Kyoung-ae )
일본연구 79권 167-188(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2019-800-001764204

본 연구는 『鮮和兩引모던朝鮮外來語辭典』의 자료적 가치에 대하여 논하고, 부록에 수록되어 있는 일본외래어(Japanese loanwords)에서 ‘동사화한 단어(verbalized words)’에 대해 고찰한 것이다. 1930년대에 일본에서 외래어가 동사화한 것들은 일종의 속어적 성격을 띠었다. 따라서 신문이나 소설, 잡지 등에 게재되는 일이 적었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 당시의 외래어 동사화 양상을 살펴보기 위하여 본 사전에 수록된 ‘동사화한 단어’들에 대하여 선행연구에서 열거된 1930년대 초의 동사화 용례와 비교한 다음, 현대의 동사화한 단어들과도 비교하여 어떠한 용례들이 쇠퇴하고 또 존속되었는지, 현대의 동사화 조건과는 어떻게 달랐는지에 대해 검토하였다. 고찰 결과 다음 네 가지 사항에 대해 확인하였다. 첫째, 「サボる(

This study addresses the value of 鮮和兩引모던朝鮮外來語辭典(The New Dictionary of Foreign Words in Modern Korean: searchable by Korean and Japanese) and the “Japanese Verbalized Loanwords” in the Dictionary's Appendix. The Japanese verbalized loanwords in the 1930s took on a kind of slang character. This made it difficult for them to be used in newspapers, magazines, novels, etc. Therefore, the present study compares the “verbalized loanwords” in the Dictionary with the examples of verbalization at the beginning of the 1930s, which are listed in preceding studies, and then with contemporary verbalized loanwords as well. Based on the comparison, this study investigates which examples have declined and survived and how the then verbalization was different from the contemporary one in terms of conditions. The analysis leads to the four findings: First, words, such as サボる(saboru < sabotage) and タクる(takuru < taxi), already took root at that time. Second, there were examples that are identical in form, but different in meaning, like タブる(taburu < double). Third, there were examples, such as エスる(esuru < escape) and ステクる (sutekuru < stick), which are not used any longer today. Forth, there were -su form words, such as カモプラす(kamopurasu < camouflage) and ジェラす(zyerasu < jealous), in addition to -ru form ones. However, not -su, but -ru has been established as a Japanese verb ending. This is maybe because verbs with -ru ending have increased in the process of colloquialization, thus spreading the recognition that any word with -ru ending is a verb. The loanwords since the 2000s have also been verbalized with -ru ending. For example, ググる(guguru < google), トラブる(toraburu < trouble), etc. are used as basic vocabulary that are indispensable for young people.

Ⅰ. はじめに
Ⅱ. 『鮮和兩引모던(モダン)朝鮮外來語辭典』とは
Ⅲ. 先行硏究
Ⅳ. 本辭典の「動詞化した語」
Ⅴ. 結論
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]