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KCI 등재
한국어 교재의 ‘-이/히/리/기-’ 피동 단원 분석과 교수 방안 제시
Analysis and Teaching Methods of the ‘-i/hi/li/gi-’ Passive unit in Korean textbooks
김영일 ( Kim Young-il )
한국어 교육 30권 1호 27-63(37pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2019-700-001651081
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 이용이 불가한 자료입니다.

This paper aims to examine the presentation aspects of ‘-i/hi/li/gi-’ passive unit appearing in Korean textbooks, define problems, and create barriers to complement them. As a result of examining the textbooks of 15 universities, three problems were found in the presentation of the passive unit. First, the learning objective is to memorize the passive verbs themselves in which each affix is combined, rather than create proper passive sentences appropriately using passive verbs. Second, the list of passive verbs in textbooks contains mixed passive verbs that do not fulfill the original features of passive verbs. Further, only passive verbs without sample sentences are presented. Third, there are many difficulties in teaching and learning situations by presenting various passive sentences without identifying various passive sentences with differences in their features. To solve these problems, it was emphasized that the core of the passive unit is to learn passive verbs and further create passive sentences by taking the educational contents of the passive unit to a sentence level rather than a word level. Also, the paper asserted that considering the features and differences in passive sentences, the passive sentences be divided and presented by type and teach students the rules and constraints for creating passive sentences in order. (Soongsil University)

1. 서론
2. 선행 연구 검토
3. 피동 단원의 피동사 제시 양상
4. 피동 단원의 피동문 제시 양상
5. 제시 순서 및 규칙과 제약
6. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]