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MODIS VHI를 이용한 방글라데시 Pre-Kharif 시즌 농업가뭄의 평가
Evaluating the Agricultural Drought for Pre-Kharif Season in Bangladesh using MODIS Vegetation Health Index
모하마드캄루자먼 ( Mohammad Kamruzzaman ) , 장민원 ( Jang Min-won ) , 황세운 ( Hwang Syewoon ) , 장태일 ( Jang Taeil )
DOI 10.5389/KSAE.2018.60.6.055
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2019-500-001438560

This paper aimed to characterize the spatial and temporal pattern of agricultural drought in Pre-Kharif season using Vegetation Health Index (VHI) and illustrated drought characteristics in Bangladesh during 2001-2015. VHI was calculated from TCI (Temperature Condition Index) and VCI (Vegetation Condition Index) derived from MODIS Terra satellite data, LST (Land Surface Temperature) and EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index), respectively. The finding showed that all drought-affected areas were experienced by mild, moderate, severe and extreme droughts in several years of Pre-Kharif seasons. Significant drought events were found in the year of 2002 and 2013. On average, Chittagong district covered the largest drought area in all drought stages, and the fraction of drought area was the highest in Sylhet and Rangpur for Pre-Kharif season. Finally, overlaying annual VHI raster maps resulted in that the most vulnerable district to agricultural drought were Sylhet, Rangpur, and Mymensingh in the northern and eastern regions of Bangladesh.

Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Materials and methods
Ⅲ. Results and discussion
Ⅳ. Conclusion and Discussion
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]