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지역학으로서의 한국학 연구 현황과 발전 전략 ―한국문학을 중심으로
Current Status and Development Strategy of Korean Studies as Regional Studies - Focusing on Korean Literature
윤여탁 ( Yoon Yeotak )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003740852

This paper examines the history and current status of Korean Studies as regional studies and discusses the development strategies of Korean Studies based on these discussions. In particular, I discussed the introduction and research of Korean Literature in the level of Korean Studies. And I considered the history of Korean Studies as regional studies in China, Taiwan, Russia, the United States, and Vietnam. In addition, I paid attention on the various aspects of Korean Studies as regional studies, and specifically described the direction of Korean Literature research as Korean Studies. Based on these discussions, I proposed the development strategy of Korean Studies in order to strengthen its specificity, focusing on interdisciplinary studies of Korean Studies and Korean Literature.

1. 한국학의 개념과 역사
2. 근대 이후 지역학으로서의 한국학
3. 한국학과 한국문학 연구
4. 한국학 발전을 위한 제안
<부록: 북경대학과 정치대학의 한국어학과의 연혁>
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]